Microsoft - MCSD: Azure Solutions Architect



Slechts 9 dagen



Klas / Online / Hybride

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Volgende datum:

24/6/2024 (Maandag)


Binnen deze versnelde negendaagse cursus leert U een reeds bestaande infrastructuur te migreren naar Azure, Microsofts wereldwijd geïntegreerde cloudplatform.

U krijgt Uw MCSD: Azure Solutions Architect certificaat en de kennis die U nodig heeft om websites, applicatieopslag en infrastructuur te ontwerpen in Microsoft Azure.

Verkrijg vier Microsoft certificaten in slechts negen dagen

Naast het MCSD: Azure Solutions Architect certificaat, krijgt U in slechts negen dagen tijd, ook de volgende drie Microsoft Specialist certificaten:

  • Ontwikkelen van Microsoft Azure Oplossingen
  • Implementeren van Microsoft Azure Infrastructurele Oplossingen
  • Ontwerpen van Microsoft Azure Oplossingen

In de rangschikking van Gartner is Azure het enige grote cloudplatform, dat zowel op het gebied van infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) en platform-as-a-service (PaaS) marktleider is.

Zeven redenen waarom jij voor jouw Azure Solutions cursus voor Firebrand kiest:

  1. Jij zal in slechts 9 dagen Azure Solutions gecertificeerd zijn. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn kunnen wij langere lesdagen aanbieden en zal je tijdens je verblijf volledig gefocust zijn op jouw cursus
  2. Onze Azure Solutions cursus is all-inclusive. Cursusmaterialen, accommodatie en maaltijden zijn inbegrepen.
  3. Slaag de eerste keer voor Azure Solutions of train gratis opnieuw.Op basis van onze certificeringsgarantie kun je voor het geval je de eerste keer niet slaagt binnen een jaar terugkomen en opnieuw trainen. Je betaalt dan alleen voor accommodatie en examens. De andere kosten zijn inbegrepen.
  4. Je zal meer over Azure Solutions leren. Waar opleidingen elders doorgaans van 9:00 tot 17:00 duren, kan je bij Firebrand Training rekenen op 12 uur training per dag!
  5. Je zal Azure Solutions sneller beheersen. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn word je in korte tijd ondergedompeld in de theorie. Hierdoor zal je volledig gefocust zijn op de cursus en zal je sneller de theorie en praktijk beheersen.
  6. Je zal voor Azure Solutions studeren bij de beste training provider. Firebrand heeft het Q-For kwaliteitlabel, waarmee onze standaarden en professionaliteit op het gebied van training erkend worden. We hebben inmiddels 134561 professionals getraind en gecertificeerd!
  7. Je gaat meer doen dan alleen de cursusstof van Azure Solutions bestuderen. We maken gebruik van laboratoria, case-studies en oefentests, om ervoor te zorgen dat jij jouw nieuwe kennis direct in jouw werkomgeving kan toepassen.


Andere versnelde trainingsaanbieders vertrouwen sterk op colleges, onafhankelijke zelftesten en studeren.

Effectieve technische instructies moeten zeer gevarieerd en interactief zijn om het aandachtsniveau hoog te houden, kameraadschap en teamwerk tussen de studenten en de instructeur te bevorderen en kennis te verankeren door praktisch leren.

Firebrand Training biedt instructies om aan elke leerbehoefte te voldoen:

  • Intensieve groepsinstructie
  • Eén-op-één instructie aandacht   
  • Hands-on labs
  • Lab partner- en groepsoefeningen
  • Vraag en antwoord oefeningen
  • Onafhankelijke studie

Deze informatie is verstrekt als een nuttig hulpmiddel voor kandidaten die een opleiding overwegen. Cursussen inclusief certificering worden geleverd met een certificeringsgarantie. Slaag de eerste keer of train opnieuw gratis (je betaal voor de accommodatie en examens bij jouw terugkeer). Wij kunnen geen garanties geven over persoonlijke successen of voordelen van het behalen van certificering.


Course 20532B: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft Azure platform

This module reviews the services available in the Azure platform and the Management Portals used to manage the service instances.


  • Azure Services
  • Management Portals

Lab: Using the Azure Preview Portal

  • Connect to the Azure Portals
  • Create a Web Site in Azure
  • Configure the Web Site Template

After completing this module, you will be able to create a Web Site using both the Azure Management and Preview Portals.

Module 2: Establishing a Development Environment using Azure Virtual Machines

This module describes the Virtual Machine hosting options available in Azure. You will be able to deploy custom workloads to an Azure Virtual Machine, manage the VM and images and also monitor VMs.


  • Constructing Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure Virtual Machine Workloads
  • Migrating Azure Virtual Machine Instances
  • Using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to Connect to a Virtual Machine

Lab: Creating an Azure Virtual Machine for Development & Testing

  • Create a Resource Group using Azure
  • Create a Development Virtual Machine in Azure
  • Configure the Virtual Machine for Development

After completing this module, you will be able to create a Virtual Machine using the Azure Management Portal and create an image of the VM.

Module 3: Hosting Web Applications on the Azure Platform

In this module, you will be able to create and host a simple website using Azure Web Sites. You will learn how to monitor and manage the website using the Management Portal.


  • Azure Web Sites
  • Hosting Web Applications in Azure
  • Configuring an Azure Web Site
  • Publishing an Azure Web Site
  • Monitoring and Analyzing Running Azure Web Sites
  • Lab Overview

Lab: Creating an ASP.NET Web Site Using Azure Websites

  • Create an Azure Web Site
  • Deploy an ASP.NET Web Application to an Azure Web Site
  • Configure an Azure Web Site

After completing this module, you will be able to create an Azure Web Site and publish an existing ASP.NET web application to the site.

Module 4: Storing SQL Data in Azure

In this module, you will learn how to use Azure SQL Databases to store and retrieve data.


  • Azure SQL Database Overview
  • Managing SQL Databases in Azure
  • Using Azure SQL Databases with SQL Server Data Tools
  • Migrating Data to Azure SQL Databases
  • Replication and Recovery of Azure SQL Database Instances

Lab: Storing Event Data in Azure SQL

  • Create an Azure SQL Databases Instance
  • Using Entity Framework with Azure SQL Databases

After completing this module, you will be able to create an Azure SQL server and database. They will also be able to use Entity Framework Code First to migrate tables to Azure.

Module 5: Designing Cloud Applications For Resiliency

In this module, you will understand and identify the common practices and patterns for building resilient and scalable web applications that will be hosted in Azure.


  • Design Considerations for Scale with Cloud Applications
  • Application Design Practices for Highly Available Applications
  • Building High Performance Applications using ASP.NET
  • Common Cloud Application Patterns
  • Application Analytics
  • Caching Application Data

After completing this module, you will be able to describe and identify the common practices and patterns for building resilient and scalable web applications that will be hosted in Azure.

Module 6: Managing Cloud Services in Azure

In this module, you will learn how to use Cloud Service Worker Roles and Web Sites Web Jobs to process data in the background. You will also be able to use Cloud Service Cache Roles to store data in the cache.


  • Overview of Cloud Services
  • Cloud Service Web Roles
  • Customizing Cloud Service Configurations
  • Updating and Managing Cloud Service Deployments
  • Cloud Service Worker Role
  • Cloud Service Worker Role Processing
  • Analyzing Application Cloud Service Role Instances

Lab: Creating Azure Web Roles Using Visual Studio 2013

  • Create an Azure Cloud Service project
  • Create an Azure Cloud Service Web Role from an existing project
  • Configure the properties of an Azure Cloud Service project
  • Debug an Azure Cloud Service project

Lab: Creating a Background Process Using Azure Worker Roles

  • Create a C# Class Library
  • Add the Class Library to a Cloud Service Project
  • Debug Worker Roles in a Cloud Service Project

After completing this module, you will be able to create a background process using a Azure Worker Role.

Module 7: Storing NoSQL Data in Azure

In this module, you will learn how to store data in Azure Table Storage.


  • Azure Storage Overview
  • Azure Storage Tables Overview
  • Table Entity Transactions
  • Azure DocumentDB

Lab: Storing Attendee Registration Data in Azure Table Storage

  • Populating the Sign-In Form with Registrant Names
  • Updating the Events Website to use Storage Tables
  • Verifying that the Events Web Site is using Azure Storage Tables for Registrations

After completing this module, you will be able to create an Azure Table Storage table and manage the table data using the .NET API for Azure Storage.

Module 8: Storing and Consuming Files from Azure Storage

In this module, you will be able to store and access multimedia files in Azure using Blob Storage.


  • Azure Storage Blobs
  • Controlling Access to Storage Blobs & Containers
  • Monitoring Storage Blobs
  • Configuring Azure Storage Accounts
  • Azure Files
  • Uploading and Migrating Storage Data

Lab: Storing Generated Documents in Azure Blob Storage

  • Implement Azure Storage Blobs
  • Populating the Container with Files and Media
  • Retrieving Files and Media from the Container
  • Specifying Permissions for the Container

Lab: Creating File Shares using Azure Files

  • Implement Azure Files
  • Populating the File Share with Media

After completing this module, you will be able to create Azure Files SMB file share and store documents related to the event website.

Module 9: Designing a Communication Strategy using Queues and Service Bus

In this module, you will use Azure Queue Storage to queue data for asynchronous processing. You will also be able to identify the Service Bus offerings and identify which ones to use in appropriate scenarios. You will be able to use the Azure Service Bus Relay to connect on-premise services with client applications.


  • Queue Mechanisms in Azure
  • Azure Storage Queues
  • Handling Storage Queue Messages
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Service Bus Queues
  • Azure Service Bus Relay
  • Azure Service Bus Notification Hubs

Lab: Using Storage Queues to Manage Requests Between Web Applications in Azure

  • Using Azure Queue Storage for Document Generation
  • Verify the Requests are Created and Consumed

Lab: Using Service Bus to Manage Communication Between Web Applications in Azure

  • Create an Azure Service Bus Namespace
  • Use Service Bus Queues for Document Generation
  • Verify the Requests are Created and Consumed
  • Use Service Bus Relay to Connect a WCF Service and Client[s]

After completing this module, you will be able to create an Azure Storage Queue instance to store requests. They will also create an Azure Service Bus queue instance to store requests. You will then create an Azure Service Bus namespace and use the namespace to connect a cloud web application to the local WCF service.

Module 10: Managing Infrastructure in Azure

In this module you will explore the Infrastructure components in Azure. You will be able to describe Virtual Networks and understand the relationship between the VNETs and the different services offered in Azure. You will also be able to add Cloud Services and Virtual Machines to VNETs. Finally you will scale multiple instances of services in a VNET.


  • Azure Virtual Networks
  • Highly Available Azure Virtual Machines
  • Customize Azure Virtual Machine Networking

Lab: Managing Multiple Virtual Machines in a Virtual Network

  • Create the Database Virtual Machine
  • Create the Application Web Site
  • Connect the Test Application to the SQL Server Virtual Machine
  • Modify the Database Virtual Machine

After completing this module, you will be able to create a Virtual Machine using the existing SQL template and connect this Virtual Machine to the existing application.

Module 11: Automating Integration with Azure Resources

In this module, you'll explore the options for Automating their interactions with Azure Resources using PowerShell, Client Libraries or the REST API. You will also explore the two sets of modules available for PowerShell automation.


  • Azure SDK Client Libraries
  • Virtual Machine Configuration Management
  • Scripting Azure Service Management using PowerShell
  • Azure REST Interface
  • Azure Resource Manager

Lab: Automating the Creation of a Test Environment using PowerShell

  • Prepare Azure PowerShell Environment
  • Use PowerShell to Create and Access a Web Site Instance
  • Use a Resource Template to Create Multiple Pre-Configured Resources

After completing this module, you will be able to create a test environment using PowerShell and the Azure Service Management CmdLets.

Module 12: Securing Azure Web Applications

In this module, you will be able to use Azure Active Directory to implement security in a Cloud web application.


  • Azure Active Directory
  • Introduction to Identity Providers
  • Azure AD Directories
  • Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Azure Role-Based Access Control

Lab: Integrating Azure Active Directory with the Events Administration Portal

  • Create an Azure AD Directory
  • Secure an Existing ASP.NET Web Application
  • Integrate Azure AD with ASP.NET Identity

After completing this module, you will be able to integrate ASP.NET Identity for the administration portal with Azure Active Directory.

Module 13: Maintaining and Monitoring Web Solutions in Azure

Learn how to deploy web applications to Azure by using WebDeploy and Service Packages.


  • Deployment Strategies for Web Applications
  • Deploying Azure Services
  • Continuous Integration
  • Monitoring Cloud Applications

Lab: Deploying the Events Web Application to Azure

  • Create the Target Azure Services for Deployment
  • Manage Configuration Settings for a Cloud Web Application
  • Deploy the Web Applications to Azure
  • Monitor the Web Applications in Azure

Course 20533B: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

Module 1: Introduction to Azure

This module provides you with a high level introduction to Microsoft Azure.

  • Cloud Technology Overview
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Azure Portals
  • Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell

Lab: Introduction to Azure

  • Navigating the Portals
  • Installing and Using Windows Azure PowerShell
  • Planning Hosting in Azure

After completing this module, students will be familiar with:

  • Cloud technology.
  • Microsoft Azure.
  • The Azure Portals.
  • Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell.

Module 2: Implementing and Managing Virtual Networks

Learn how to Implement Virtual Networks, why they are important and how to manage them post-implementation.

  • Planning Virtual Networks
  • Administering Virtual Networks
  • Inter-Site Connectivity

Lab: Implementing and Managing Virtual Networks

  • Designing the Sub-Nets
  • Creating the Virtual Network
  • Connecting the Virtual Networks
  • Validating Connectivity
  • Configuring a Point-to-Site VPN

After completing this module students will be able to:

  • Plan for Virtual Networks
  • Create a Virtual Network.
  • Administer Virtual Networks.
  • Configure Point-to-Site VPNs.

Module 3: Implement Virtual Machines

You will learn how to plan and implement virtual machines, including use of the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) for Azure toolkit. You'll also discover the differences between on-premise and Azure virtual machines, and of different ways to implement VMs.

  • Planning Virtual Machine Workloads
  • Using the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit for Azure
  • Creating Virtual Machines

Lab: Implementing Virtual Machines

  • Planning Virtual Machines
  • Deploying Windows Virtual Machines
  • Deploying Linux Virtual Machines

After completing this module students will be able to:

  • Plan and implement virtual machines.
  • Use the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) for Azure toolkit.
  • Understand the differences between on-premise and Azure virtual machines.
  • Implement VMs in different ways.

Module 4: Managing Virtual Machines

Having previously learnt how to implement virtual machines you will now learn how to manage these machines.

  • Configuring Virtual Machines
  • Managing and Monitoring Virtual Machines

Lab: Managing Virtual Machines

  • Configuring Virtual Machine Storage
  • Exploring Availability

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure Virtual machines.
  • Manage Virtual Machines.
  • Monitor Virtual Machines.

Module 5: Implementing Websites

Learn how to plan for website deployment, covering different levels of website and differing deployment models. You will then learn how to deploy a website, configure the site, monitor the performance, what Webjobs are and how to use them, and finally, what Traffic Manager is and how it is used.

  • Planning for Website Deployment
  • Deploying Websites
  • Configuring Websites
  • Monitoring Websites and WebJobs
  • Traffic Manager


  • Planning for Website Deployment
  • Deploying Websites
  • Configuring Websites
  • Monitoring Websites and WebJobs
  • Traffic Manager

Lab: Implementing Websites

  • Creating Websites
  • Deploying a Website
  • Managing Websites
  • Implementing Traffic Manager

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the different types of website available and when to use them.
  • Understand the different deployment options, and be able to use them to deploy a website
  • Configure websites
  • Monitor websites
  • Create and deploy Webjobs
  • Understand and use Traffic Manager

Module 6: Planning and Implementing Storage

Look at types of storage, how to choose/plan storage, storage accounts, and affinity groups. You will learn how implement BLOBs and azure files, recovery services and backup, diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics.

  • Planning Storage
  • Implementing and Managing Storage
  • Backing up and Monitoring Storage

Lab: Planning and Implementing Storage

  • Creating and Configuring Storage
  • Using Azure File Storage
  • Protecting Data with Azure Backup

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify different types of storage and when to use each one.
  • Implement BLOBs and Azure files.
  • Protect their data using recovery services and backup
  • Monitor their storage, and about the analytics available to help with this task.

Module 7: Planning and Implementing Data Services

You will look at the differences between SQL databases on-premise and Azure SQL databases. Learn how to implement Azure SQL databases, how to migrate data to SQL Azure, how to monitor the databases once created in Azure and about business continuity using database copy and export, Self-service restore and Geo-replication.

  • Data Services in Microsoft Azure
  • Implementing Azure SQL Database
  • Managing Azure SQL Database Security
  • Monitoring Azure SQL Database
  • Managing Azure SQL Database Business Continuity

Lab: Planning and Implementing Data Services

  • Configuring Azure SQL Database
  • Migrating a Database to SQL Database
  • Restoring a Database

At the end of this module students will be able to:

  • Understand the differences in using SQL Azure databases and how to migrate their data to them.
  • Keep their data secure in SQL Azure.
  • Monitor their SQL Azure databases and recover data should it be required for business continuity.

Module 8: Implementing Cloud Services and Mobile Services

In this module you will look at cloud services and how they compare to VM and website execution models. You'll demonstrate knowledge of Web roles and worker roles and learn about deploying and configuring cloud services.

  • Planning for Cloud Service Deployment
  • Deploying Packages
  • Configuring Cloud Services
  • Implementing Mobile Services
  • Monitoring and Diagnostics

Lab: Implementing Cloud Services

  • Deploying a Cloud Service
  • Configuring Cloud Services Networking
  • Monitoring Cloud Services

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand what a cloud service is, how it is deployed and configured.
  • Understand what a mobile service is, how it is deployed and configured.
  • Monitor and diagnose issues with the services.

Module 9: Implementing Content Delivery Networks and Media Services

Learn what a content delivery network is and how to implement one. You will then look at Azure Media Services, and how to utilize media in Azure.

  • Implementing Azure Content Delivery Networks
  • Publishing Content with Azure Media Services

Lab: Implementing Content Delivery Networks and Cloud Services

  • Configuring a Content Delivery Network
  • Adding Content to the Source Service
  • Creating a Media Services Account and Upload Content
  • Publishing and Scaling Media Content
  • Accessing Content Delivery Network and Media Services Content

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain what a content delivery network is and why they would want to use one.
  • Implement a content delivery network and attach media to it
  • Create a media account and be able to load and manage data within the account.

Module 10: Implementing Azure Active Directory

Learn how to implement Azure Active directory and manage users. You will also learn about adding customer domains, at multi-factor authentication and at application integration with Azure active Directory. Finally you will learn about the features and benefits offered by Azure Active Directory Premium.

  • Creating and Managing Azure Directories
  • Configuring Application Integration with Azure Active Directory
  • Overview of Azure Active Directory Premium

Lab: Implementing Azure Active Directory

  • Administering Active Directory
  • Configuring Single Sign-On

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement and configure Azure Active Directory, including the use of multi-factor authentication and single sign-on.
  • Have an understanding of Azure Active Directory premium and the benefits it offers above the standard package.

Module 11: Managing Active Directory in a Hybrid Environment

Manage Active Directory in a Hybrid environment, extend the on-premises active directory into the cloud and manage Office 365 users.Plus, learn about Directory Synchronization (Dir Synch) and federation (AD FS).

  • Extending On-Premises Active Directory into Azure
  • Directory Synchronization
  • Implementing Federation

Lab: Managing an Active Directory Hybrid Environment

  • Determining Integration Requirements
  • Synchronizing Directories

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Extend their on-premises active directory to Azure
  • Implement Dir Synch and/or AD FS and to understand which is appropriate in a given situation.

Module 12: Implementing Automation

You will be introduced to automation and the components. You'll look at PowerShell Workflows, particularly the move from PowerShell scripts to workflows and then move onto managing automation through creating and publishing runbooks, creating and scheduling jobs and monitoring job execution.

  • Overview of Automation Components
  • PowerShell Workflows
  • Managing Automation

Lab: Implementing Automation

  • Configuring Automation Accounts
  • Creating Runbooks

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand the various automation components and know when and how to use them.
  • Create PowerShell workflows and runbooks for use in automating their environment.

Design Microsoft Azure infrastructure and networking

Describe how Azure uses Global Foundation Services (GFS) data centres

  • Understand Azure data centre architecture, regional availability and high availability

Design Azure virtual networks, networking services, DNS, DHCP and IP addressing configuration

  • Extend on-premises Active Directory, deploy Active Directory, define static IP reservations, understand ACLs and Network Security Groups

Design Azure Compute

  • Design Azure virtual machines (VMs) and VM architecture for IaaS and PaaS; understand availability sets, fault domains and update domains in Azure; differentiate between machine classifications

Describe Azure virtual private network (VPN) and ExpressRoute architecture and design

  • Describe Azure point-to-site (P2S) and site-to-site (S2S) VPN, understand the architectural differences between Azure VPN and ExpressRoute

Describe Azure services

  • Understand, at a high level, Azure load balancing options, including Traffic Manager, Azure Media Services, CDN, Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Azure Cache, Multi-Factor Authentication and Service Bus

Secure resources

Secure resources by using managed identities

  • Describe the differences between Active Directory on-premises and Azure AD, programmatically access Azure AD using Graph API, secure access to resources from Azure AD applications using OAuth and OpenID Connect

Secure resources by using hybrid identities

  • Use SAML claims to authenticate to on-premises resources, describe DirSync synchronisation, implement federated identities using Azure Access Control service (ACS) and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)

Secure resources by using identity providers

  • Provide access to resources using identity providers, such as Microsoft account, Facebook, Google and Yahoo!

Identify an appropriate data security solution

  • Use the appropriate Access Control List (ACL), identify security requirements for data in transit and data at rest

Design a role-based access control strategy

  • Secure resource scopes, such as the ability to create VMs and websites

Design an application storage and data access strategy

Design data storage

  • Design storage options for data, including Table Storage, SQL Database, DocumentDB, Blob Storage, MongoDB and MySQL; design security options for SQL Database or Azure Storage; identify the appropriate VM type and size for a solution

Design applications that use Mobile Services

  • Create Azure Mobile Services, consume Mobile Services from cross-platform clients, integrate offline sync capabilities into an application, extend Mobile Services using custom code, implement Mobile Services using Microsoft .NET or Node.js, secure Mobile Services using Azure AD

Design applications that use notifications

  • Implement push notification services in Mobile Services, send push notifications to all subscribers, specific subscribers or a segment of subscribers

Design applications that use a web API

  • Implement a custom web API, scale using Azure Websites, offload long-running applications using WebJobs, secure a web API using Azure AD

Design a data access strategy for hybrid applications

  • Connect to on-premises data from Azure applications using Service Bus Relay, BizTalk Hybrid Connections or the VPN capability of Websites, identify constraints for connectivity with VPN, identify options for joining VMs to domains or cloud services

Design a media solution

  • Describe Media Services, understand key components of Media Services, including streaming capabilities, video on-demand capabilities and monitoring services

Design an advanced application

Create compute-intensive applications

  • Design high-performance computing (HPC) and other compute-intensive applications using Azure Services

Create long-running applications

  • Implement worker roles for scalable processing, design stateless components to accommodate scale

Select the appropriate storage option

  • Use a queue-centric pattern for development, select the appropriate storage for performance, identify storage options for cloud services and hybrid scenarios with compute on-premises and storage on Azure, differentiate between cloud services and VMs interacting with storage service and SQL Database

Integrate Azure services in a solution

  • Identify the appropriate use of machine learning, big data, Media Services and search services

Design websites

Design websites for scalability and performance

  • Globally scale websites, create websites using Visual Studio, debug websites, understand supported languages, differentiate between websites to VMs and cloud services

Deploy websites

  • Implement Azure Site Extensions, create packages, hosting plans, deployment slots, resource groups, publishing options, Web Deploy and FTP locations and settings

Design websites for business continuity

  • Scale up and scale out using Azure Websites and SQL Database, configure data replication patterns, update websites with minimal downtime, back up and restore data, design for disaster recovery, deploy websites to multiple regions for high availability, design the data tier

Design a management, monitoring and business continuity strategy

Evaluate hybrid and Azure-hosted architectures for Microsoft System Center deployment

  • Understand, at an architectural level, which components are supported in Azure; describe design considerations for managing Azure resources with System Center; understand which scenarios would dictate a hybrid scenario

Design a monitoring strategy

  • Identify the Microsoft products and services for monitoring Azure solutions; understand the capabilities of System Center for monitoring an Azure solution; understand built-in Azure capabilities; identify third-party monitoring tools, including open source; describe use cases for Operations Manager, Global Service Monitor and Application Insights; describe the use cases for Windows Software Update Services (WSUS), Configuration Manager and custom solutions; describe the Azure architecture constructs, such as availability groups and update domains, and how they impact a patching strategy

Describe Azure business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) capabilities

  • Understand the architectural capabilities of BC/DR, describe Hyper-V Replica and Azure Site Recovery (ASR), describe use cases for Hyper-V Replica and ASR

Design a disaster recovery strategy

  • Design and deploy Azure Backup and other Microsoft backup solutions for Azure, understand use cases when StorSimple and System Center Data Protection Manager would be appropriate

Design Azure Automation and PowerShell workflows

  • Create a PowerShell script specific to Azure

Describe the use cases for Azure Automation configuration

  • Understand when to use Azure Automation, Chef, Puppet, PowerShell or Desired State Configuration (DSC)


U zult het volgende examen dat onder Uw certificeringsgarantie valt afleggen in het Firebrand Testcentrum:

  • Microsoft Examen 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
  • Microsoft Examen 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
  • Microsoft Examen 70-534: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions

De cursus omvat

Microsoft Cursusmateriaal:

  • Course 20532B: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
  • Course 20533B: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions


  • Exam Ref 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions - ISBN - 978-0735697041
  • Exam Ref 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions - ISBN - 978-0735697065
  • Exam Ref 70-534: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions - ISBN - 978-0735697447

Jouw versnelde cursus omvat:

  • Accommodatie *
  • Maaltijden, onbeperkte snacks, drankjes, thee en koffie
  • Examens op locatie
  • Examen vouchers **
  • Oefentoetsen ***
  • Certificeringsgarantie****
  • Trainingsmateriaal
  • Dagelijks tot 12 uur training onder begeleiding van een instructeur
  • 24 uur toegang tot het laboratorium
  • Hands-on training via Lecture | Lab | ReviewTM
  • Digitaal cursusmateriaal (indien beschikbaar)
  • *Alleen voor residentiële training. Geldt niet voor online cursussen
  • **Examenvouchers zijn mogelijk niet inbegrepen voor cursisten en vereisen een afzonderlijke aankoop door een werkgever vanwege ESFA-richtlijnen
  • ***Niet op alle cursussen
  • ****Slaag de eerste keer of train gratis opnieuw (betaal alleen voor accommodatie, examens en incidentele kosten)


Voordat U deelneemt aan deze versnelde cursus, moet U al in staat zijn:

  • De beschikbare diensten van het Azure platform te vergelijken
  • Webapplicaties te configureren en uit te rollen
  • Azure WebSites op te bouwen via de galerij
  • Azure WebSites uit te rollen en te beheren
  • Azure Virtuele Machines op te bouwen en te configureren
  • De relatie tussen Clouddiensten en Virtuele Machines te omschrijven
  • Bestaande Clouddienst pakketten uit te rollen
  • Een opslagaccount te maken en te beheren
  • BLOB’s en containers in een Opslagaccount te beheren
  • Het maken, configureren van en verbinden met een SQL Databases instance
  • De implicaties van het importeren van een SQL Standalone database te identificeren
  • Gebruikers, groepen en abonnementen in een Azure Active Directory instance te beheren
  • Een virtueel netwerk op te zetten
  • Een point-to-site netwerk te implementeren

Weet je niet zeker of je aan de vereisten voldoet? Maak je geen zorgen. Jouw trainingsadviseur bespreekt jouw achtergrond met je om te begrijpen of deze cursus geschikt is voor je.


Wereldwijd heeft Firebrand in haar 10-jarig bestaan al 134561 studenten opgeleid! We hebben ze allemaal gevraagd onze versnelde opleidingen te evalueren. De laatste keer dat we onze resultaten analyseerden, bleek 96.41% ons te beoordelen als 'boven verwachting'

"Excellent and to the point, cannot not praise enough the instructor whose delivery was impeccable. "
P.V.. (9/9/2017 (Zaterdag) t/m 17/9/2017 (Zondag))

"Very intensive training and you will have to come with an open and clear mind, to be able to handle a 7 days course with Firebrand. If you are able to do that, you will get much more from this course, that any other course possible can give you!"
Martin G Rasmussen, EG A/S. (23/5/2016 (Maandag) t/m 29/5/2016 (Zondag))

"Hard work, but worth it."
Lyndon Hills, British Heart Foundation. (4/4/2016 (Maandag) t/m 10/4/2016 (Zondag))

"A lot of information in a short period delivered in a very well thought out and structured manner. The Instructors are very knowledgeable, friendly, approachable and hopefully they are taking my next course."
Robert Newnham, Self. (4/4/2016 (Maandag) t/m 10/4/2016 (Zondag))

"An outstanding delivery of course content by two very knowledgeable and inspiring instructors."
S.T. (4/4/2016 (Maandag) t/m 10/4/2016 (Zondag))


Start datum

Eind datum



Nu boeken

19/2/2024 (Maandag)

27/2/2024 (Dinsdag)

Beëindigde cursus - Geef feedback



24/6/2024 (Maandag)

2/7/2024 (Dinsdag)




5/8/2024 (Maandag)

13/8/2024 (Dinsdag)

Beperkte beschikbaarheid



16/9/2024 (Maandag)

24/9/2024 (Dinsdag)




28/10/2024 (Maandag)

5/11/2024 (Dinsdag)




9/12/2024 (Maandag)

17/12/2024 (Dinsdag)




Nieuwste beoordelingen van onze studenten